Fireworks IT Apps

Cop vs Zombies Live Wallpaper 1.0
Fireworks IT
WARNING: Addictive wallpaper will make youkill zombies all day!Celebrating Flight Lander release: Cop VS Zombies is nowFREE!!!Download Flight Lander for FREE: are trapped!! Kill them all in this massacre! Shoot themwith your gun or hit them with your club! Help the Zombie Cop bymoving him around and eliminating all scary zombies or just watchhim doing so!.Cool 3D graphics to make your phone and tablet look incredible!And it won’t slow down any of the current standard devices! Attractyour friends with this new look!Keep track of zombies with an upper screen countdown and keepshooting and hitting zombies until the apocalypse ends.No mercy!! It’s time to hit those zombies back and clear thosefields of the menace that has invaded this world.This wallpaper is fun to watch and really entertaining, you willliterally forget what you were supposed to be doing.It’s a zombie farm! You will be attracted to watch all theaction taking place, the cop will continuously shoot to killzombies until the field is cleared. If the zombies get too closethey will be smashed with his club.Take action at any time by touching the Joystick on the screenand make it YOUR job to keep smashing and shooting zombies!
Urbapp 202.0.16
Fireworks IT
Urbapp es una aplicación para pagar tu renta omantenimientorápidamente, comunicarte con tu administrador, oincluso pedirauxilio a amigos o familiares cuando lo necesites. Nohay necesidadde interrumpir tu día para ir a pagar a tu casero o ira buscar alpersonal de mantenimiento si algo no te gusta. Desdemandar códigosde acceso a tus visitas para que eviten estarformadas en laentrada o que te estén llamando solicitandoconfirmaciones, hastaconocer la hora de entrada y salida de lapersona que te ayuda enla casa. Urbapp ahora disponible en todoMéxico hará tu vida mássencilla y segura. Descarga la app ysolicita tu administrador quedé de alta tu propiedad para poderutilizar todas nuestrasherramientas. Utilizar Urbapp es muysencillo -Sólo dale tu correoa tu administrador -Una vez dado dealta podrás utilizar lasherramientas -Pídele que te habilite pagosen Oxxo o con tarjetas(crédito o débito) Y comienza a disfrutar ellugar donde vivesSolicita transparencia de las cuentas, consultadocumentosoficiales y aparta el asador para este fin de semana sinpelear contus vecinos! Si aún no estás convencido visitawww.urbapp.mxContacta un asesor a nuestra página web